Essel, Clairis 14th, 868 ID.
After Doorjamb and Odd Jon lost themselves in the Frail Forest, they were assigned a guide by an elven woman named Shayla the Swineherd at Littlewolf. The guide, a halfling named Lexxi, was to escort them to Floivin Keep safely. After passing through Livenoak, the three are en route to Halehusk when they encounter a pair of ransacked, covered wagons burning to the east of the Westermarch road. Several corpses lie strewn about, two human males hacked to pieces, and a half-elven female who has been beheaded. It appears the caravan was carrying pickles and spices, judging by the residue left behind.
Ogeir the Hawk is called to the Cathedral of Blades in Floivin Keep. There, Bishop Brandler and others are mourning the loss of a minor acolyte, the halfling Pockny Hosspotch who followed Eleste at great castigation by his own people. Ogeir is ordered by Brandler to find and assist the monk Imperion of the Chaste Cloak in tracking down Pockny's slayers. Ogeir heads to Halehusk to track down the elven monk.
Imperion, meanwhile, has spent a day staking out Shalabarr Klasp with no real success, given a tent to sleep in on the outskirts of Halehusk. He meets with Captain Tarl Treadmyr, and asks him to perform a 'raid' on the Blind Vixen, since Imperion suspects it is a haven for criminals due to their earlier interaction there. Treadmyr refuses, citing the Vixen as a drinking hole favorite among the Guard, who are given discounts there. He tells Imperion that a dignitary from the Keep, one Attilan Vlad has gone missing from the Vixen just the prior day. Imperion goes to inquire about the disappearance at the Lone Wheel House, where he exchanges banter with a strange Braulish man named Baron Mordanc. Mordanc claims Vlad was inquiring about real estate and went to look at the Old Pager's Farm to the east.
Mudghol, Mordecai and Tundra Wolf return to Floivin Keep after the loss of their friends, and seek out Lt. Banghorn at the Fiery Rat. Banghorn is nowhere to be found, so Mudghol and Mordecai order drinks and ramble on. They inquire about the Rat using names on the list they found at Cheeky's Hollow, and one dwarf responds to the name 'Scroundel', claiming there is a half-elf named 'Scoundrel' who often hangs out at the Market Center peddling black market wares to those in the know. Mordecai and Mudghol head to the Market with Tundra Wolf in tow, where they meet a strange man selling musical boxes. Mordecai buys a box, and the man, who may or may not be familiar, gives them a cryptic message that they should be off to find their companion. The three leave for Halehusk, and they meet Ogeir the Hawk on the road to the village.
The paths of the PCs collide in Halehusk. Doorjamb, Odd Jon and Lexxi meet up with Imperion, the elven monk, and after reporting to Captain Treadmyr, he orders them all to lead Imperion to the burned caravan they found up north. He also orders Imperion to remove Mudghol from the village, as he has been spotted on the road and is not welcome. All of the PCs meet and exchange words. Tundra Wolf and the halfling Lexxi become heated over the death of Pockney Hosspotch: to one a generous friend, the other a pariah. The group travels together to the ruined caravan, and return to the muddy area where Lexxi lost the tracks earlier. They find some discarded boots, but even with Tundra Wolf and Lexxi tracking together, they lose site beyond the mud. The PCs scout the area, Imperion getting up in a tree, and decide to pay a visit to the nearest farm, that of Will and Winnetta Smoletti, a pair of elderly farmers. Doorjamb buys a pair of pigs from the couple.
On the road back to Halehusk, the party encounters a frightening apparition that asks them for directions to the Keep. Upon sighting the heavily armored specter, armed with a bastard sword, they all become weak and nearly frozen. Lexxi gives him directions, and the spook moves on, after giving the PCs a dire warning that they should collect their families and loved ones and vacate Floivin Province. Feeling he should warn the city, Ogeir makes haste back to Floivin Keep where he meets with Captain Kennel and several city guards, who do not believe his story. Ogeir decides to head over to the Cathedral of Blades briefly before leaving to meet back up with the party. Meanwhile, the group has returned to Halehusk and ignores Captain Tarl Treadmyr's warning about a brawler that had earlier engaged his men at the Blind Vixen. Instead, they follow Mordanc's lead and head straight to the East to find Old Pager's Farm.
They stealthily approach the farm, but not before a disguised goblin scout can scream warning to the Skull Collar warband, who have taken over the premises of Old Pager's Farm. A massive battle ensues, against a number of wolf riders, archers and infantry of the warband. Several of the enemy escape, including Krogmek, a bugbear archer and a number of other goblins. The PCs slay Dvagol, a hobgoblin, and Doorjamb claims his magic longsword. A few PCs fall unconscious, but there are no deaths, with the exception of Lexxi's pet badger. Tundra Wolf also slays Rugalar, a worg who was leading the wolf riders. After the battle, and the goblins have fled, the PCs explore the Farm. They find a hidden, earthen dungeon beneath the Farm where Attican Vlad, the stableboy Pinyon from Halehusk, and a strange goblin are being held captive. They also find some treasure, including a bizarre magical backpack.
Attican Vlad reveals that he was tricked by Baron Mordanc into coming here, and then was kidnapped, to be held for ransom or tortured by the Skull Collar warband, who seem to work with Mordanc. Pinyon mentions that he was kidnapped for overhearing a conversation between Mordanc and Shalabarr Klasp. He knows that Klasp has been hiding in a place called 'The Hold' within Floivin Keep itself, possibly with other members of The Score. The goblin expresses an interest in leaving, and heads straight for the road as soon as the PCs allow it. Ogeir the Hawk finally arrives, having missed the entire battle.
Doorjamb Grizzlebeard and Odd Jon Stuckle part ways with the group, heading for the Keep, where Odd Jon plans to initiate a business venture. They thank Lexxi and tell her she'll no longer be needed. For the moment, she remains with the rest of the PCs.
PCs: Doorjamb, Imperion, Lexxi, Mordecai, Mudghol, Ogeir
Attican Vlad (human male): A portly, healthy looking man with wisps of white hair over a short forehead and pronounced nose. Attican wears wine-stained robes of shining blue with copper trim. He's a respected aide to Regent Bauerkroft in both social and tactical affairs. Vlad was kidnapped by the Skull Collar goblin warband and then freed by the PCs at Old Pager's Farm.
Baron Mordanc (human male): An exiled Braulish land baron who is currently seeking out opportunities in Floivin Province. He's haughty, arrogant, and according to the former stable boy Pinyon, has some connections to Shalabarr Klasp. Attilan Vlad, aide to the Regent, was tricked by Mordanc and later kidnapped by the Skull Collar goblins at Old Pager's farm. Mordanc has only been seen in person by Imperion, who spoke to him at the Lone Wheel House. Mordanc is an elegant, pale-skinned man with a deep-set brow. He wears a monocle over his left, brown-red eye and a tall hat. His teeth are crooked and chest-hair bristles out of a fashionable, frilly white tunic, which he wears over a suit of fine leather armor and boots. Mordanc carries a pair of sabers and a pistol, with a waterhorn slung over his arm that contains a sweet smelling wine. When he speaks, he has a notable gap where several of his upper teeth have been knocked out.
Bishop Brandler (human male): Brandler wears a white cowl across his face, and a flowing cloak branded with the symbol of Eleste in ornate silver on the back. Beneath the garment lies the chink of mail. Beyond the mask, his eyebrows are high and impossible arches of white, from which he stares intently with deep gray eyes. At his side hangs a mace of obsidian hung from a polished femur. Brandler is the high priest at the Church of Eleste in Floivin Keep, and all the local clergy and paladins answer directly to him.
Captain Kennel (dwarf male): Kennel is the dog trainer and an officer in the Eidolorn guard stationed at Floivin Keep. He is a suspicious and pragmatic sort with a tight brown/black beard, and prefers to dress in thick leathers. Kennel wields a whistle, crossbow and whip and is always accompanied by at least two cruel looking mastiffs.
Connif (human male): A nervous, balding tall man who utters to himself while he performs various chores. He's got a long, slim nose and spectacles. Connif carries about a humble staff of oak, with several of the twigs still attached. It is presumed that he's a functionary of the Church of Eleste, where he is usually found managing several tasks.
Dvagol (hobgoblin male): Dvagol was a hobgoblin soldier and boss of the Skull Collar warband, possibly the top boss. He fought fiercely with a magical longsword, but was slain by Doorjamb Grizzlebeard and Odd Jon Stuckle at the assault on Old Pager's Farm. Doorjamb was awarded the longsword by the other PCs.
Ko'karri (goblin male): A shriveled, pale grayish goblin with light green, creepy eyes, one of which seems not to function. He wears a robe of violet and black, and his mane of greasy dark gray hair hangs limply at his back. The goblin speaks not a word of Common, and was freed by the PCs at Old Pager's Farm, after being taken prisoner by the Skull Collar goblin warband. The goblins motives are unknown, but he is obviously en route to somewhere important.
Krogmek (bugbear male): An archer with a thick cloak, Krogmek is one of the bosses of the Skull Collar warband. He was present at the battle of Old Pager's Farm against the PCs, but fled after being heavily wounded. His current whereabouts are unknown. Krogmek is skilled with a longbow.
Rugalar (worg male): Rugalar was a grayish-black worg and a boss of the Skull Collar warband. He enjoyed speaking common to mock and taunt his enemies, and was presumably in charge of the wolf riders within the band. Rugalar was slain by Tundra Wolf during the assault on Old Pager's Farm conducted by the PCs.
Tarl Treadmyr (human male): Tarl Treadmyr is a captain of the Eidolorn Guard, currently serving as the constable of the village Halehusk. He's a fairly handsome middle-aged man with a reddish moustache. He wears a pointed steel helm and a gleaming, polished suit of chain mail. He wields a halberd, with a shield and battleaxe strapped to his back. Tarl is rather 'lax' in his duty, usually attempting to avoid conflicts with undesirables or set his underlings out to take care of them. He's got a deal going with Frestha at the Blind Vixen tavern, in which he and his men get discounts on drinks if they let her do any extraneous business.
Will Smoletti (human male): An elderly farmer on the Crown Pasture, he lives with his deaf and mute wife Winnetta and the two raise and sell pigs and cows in addition to crops.
Winnetta Smoletti (human female): An elderly, crippled woman who lives with her husband Will at the Smalotti farmstead in Crown Pasture. She's deaf and mute, but a skilled farmer and cook, among other things...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Wintersbreath Encounter Tables
Burnnock (2 in 10/2 hrs; 2d6)
02. Frost giant (d5)
03. Dire bear (d2)
04. Winter wolf (d5)
05. Dryad grove (d4+3)
06. Branta hala (d8)
07. Uldra (d4+2)
08. Giant owl (d5)
09. Owlbear (d8)
10. Smilodon (d12)
11. Marzanna (1)
12. Woolly mammoth (4d4)
Frogmarch (2 in 10/2 hrs; 2d6)
02. Ogre mage (d2 plus d3+1 ogres)
03. Annis (1)
04. Troll gang (d4)
05. Ogre band (d8)
06. Blink dog (d10+6)
07. Arctic fox (d2)
08. Caribou (d10+10)
09. Dire wolf (d4+4)
10. Ice toad (d4)
11. Glyptodon (d4)
12. Frost giant patrol (d5)
Rat Strand (2 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Frost giant patrol (d5)
03. Chuul (d5)
04. Annis (1)
05. Gray ooze (1)
06. Ogre band (d8)
07. Medium snow spider (d5)
08. Ice toad (d4)
09. Megaloceros (2d8+4)
10. 5-headed cryohydra (1)
11. 7-headed cryohydra (1)
12. 10-headed cryohydra (1)
Sharks' Dunes (2 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Athach (d4)
03. Ettin (d4)
04. Troll gang (d4)
05. Ogre band (d8)
06. Wolverine (1)
07. Snow goblin gang (d6+3)
08. Dire wolf (d4+4)
09. Dire wolverine (d2)
10. Urskan (d8)
11. Smilodon (d12)
12. Bulette (d2)
Weaponcrest (1 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Frost giant patrol (d5)
03. Abominable yeti (d6+1)
04. Giant eagle (d8+4)
05. Yeti (d10)
06. Bugbears (d4)
07. Giant raven flock (2d10)
08. White dragon, very young (d4+1)
09. White dragon, young (d4+1)
10. Troll gang (d4)
11. White dragon, juvenile (d4+1)
12. White dragon, young adult (d4+1)
Wintersbreath (1 in 10/2 hrs; 4d6)
04. Tlalusk (d10)
05. Frost giant patrol (d5)
06. Ogre mage (d2 plus d3+1 ogres)
07. Remorhaz (1)
08. Ettin (d4)
09. Glyptodon (d4)
10. Snowcloak (d8)
11. Ogre band (d8)
12. Frost folk (d4+2 plus d2 winter wolves)
13. Snow goblin gang (d6+3)
14. Arctic fox (d2)
15. Caribou (d10+10)
16. Glacier dwarf (d4+6 plus d4+1 snow hunters + leader of level d4+2)
17. Ice toad (d4)
18. Polar bear (d2)
19. Winter wolf (d5)
20. Marzanna (1)
21. Gauth (d6)
22. Abominable yeti (d6+1)
23. Woolly mammoth (4d4)
24. Frost worm (1)
Several of the entries can be found in the Frostburn accessory.
02. Frost giant (d5)
03. Dire bear (d2)
04. Winter wolf (d5)
05. Dryad grove (d4+3)
06. Branta hala (d8)
07. Uldra (d4+2)
08. Giant owl (d5)
09. Owlbear (d8)
10. Smilodon (d12)
11. Marzanna (1)
12. Woolly mammoth (4d4)
Frogmarch (2 in 10/2 hrs; 2d6)
02. Ogre mage (d2 plus d3+1 ogres)
03. Annis (1)
04. Troll gang (d4)
05. Ogre band (d8)
06. Blink dog (d10+6)
07. Arctic fox (d2)
08. Caribou (d10+10)
09. Dire wolf (d4+4)
10. Ice toad (d4)
11. Glyptodon (d4)
12. Frost giant patrol (d5)
Rat Strand (2 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Frost giant patrol (d5)
03. Chuul (d5)
04. Annis (1)
05. Gray ooze (1)
06. Ogre band (d8)
07. Medium snow spider (d5)
08. Ice toad (d4)
09. Megaloceros (2d8+4)
10. 5-headed cryohydra (1)
11. 7-headed cryohydra (1)
12. 10-headed cryohydra (1)
Sharks' Dunes (2 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Athach (d4)
03. Ettin (d4)
04. Troll gang (d4)
05. Ogre band (d8)
06. Wolverine (1)
07. Snow goblin gang (d6+3)
08. Dire wolf (d4+4)
09. Dire wolverine (d2)
10. Urskan (d8)
11. Smilodon (d12)
12. Bulette (d2)
Weaponcrest (1 in 10/3 hrs; 2d6)
02. Frost giant patrol (d5)
03. Abominable yeti (d6+1)
04. Giant eagle (d8+4)
05. Yeti (d10)
06. Bugbears (d4)
07. Giant raven flock (2d10)
08. White dragon, very young (d4+1)
09. White dragon, young (d4+1)
10. Troll gang (d4)
11. White dragon, juvenile (d4+1)
12. White dragon, young adult (d4+1)
Wintersbreath (1 in 10/2 hrs; 4d6)
04. Tlalusk (d10)
05. Frost giant patrol (d5)
06. Ogre mage (d2 plus d3+1 ogres)
07. Remorhaz (1)
08. Ettin (d4)
09. Glyptodon (d4)
10. Snowcloak (d8)
11. Ogre band (d8)
12. Frost folk (d4+2 plus d2 winter wolves)
13. Snow goblin gang (d6+3)
14. Arctic fox (d2)
15. Caribou (d10+10)
16. Glacier dwarf (d4+6 plus d4+1 snow hunters + leader of level d4+2)
17. Ice toad (d4)
18. Polar bear (d2)
19. Winter wolf (d5)
20. Marzanna (1)
21. Gauth (d6)
22. Abominable yeti (d6+1)
23. Woolly mammoth (4d4)
24. Frost worm (1)
Several of the entries can be found in the Frostburn accessory.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Session 3 Notes (7/2/10)
Verne, Clairis 13th, 868 ID.
Mordecai Slipsnare is being held at Floivin Penitentiary for a misdemeanor, after being fired as a line cook from the Seven Flood Inn for jokingly food poisoning some of the patrons, one of which was the wife of Lt. Emmeridge of the Eidolorn Guard. Though more of a prank than a serious crime, his act was nonetheless looked down up, and he is being held alongside a savage but handsome gnome who was busted for defecating in a public fountain. The Guard decide to turn Mordecai over to the Church of Eleste for community service, and Pockny Hosspotch is dispatched to oversee him. Mordecai is thus sprung from his cell, and meets the rest of the PCs. Apparently Lt. Banghorn recommended Hosspotch as he though they might require some assistance. Imperion of the Chaste Cloak is not among the PCs, as he has returned to scout out Halehusk for signs of Shalabarr Klasp.
A courier named Bispin sends word that the PCs are wanted in the Westermarch Concourse, where they are surprised by a very well disguised Lt. Banghorn, dressed as a flower girl...err, flower hag. Pockny claims not to be fooled, but he failed his check just like the rest. Banghorn informs the PCs that he's heard word of an informant at the Twin Lizard Tap, one Dereleck who may have a lead on the activities of The Score. Mordecai proceeds to sup on one of Banghorn's cabbage breasts, and the PCs head to the East of the Keep to the Tap. There they meet the curious Dereleck, who speaks of a criminal named Cheeky, who lives in or near the village of Hobfast, and may have some dealings with The Score. The party departs swiftly with Tundra Wolf in tow.
After a few hours of travel, the PCs arrive in Hobfast. At Swampers' Swap, the local indoor market, Pockny, though disguised in common clothes, is quickly picked out by a 'cousin' Belgin Hosspotch, who insults Pockny and warns him against going to visit Grandmother, who he claims will not except the pariah priest of Eleste in her presence. The PCs manage to squeeze out some information that a lead might be handy at the local inn, The Crimson Harpy. The PCs meet Vaygus Slimm, a local fisherman of repute. Within the Crimson Harpy, Mudghol meets the barkeep Garlo, a fellow half-orc in the employ of the Hosspotch. Navan becomes 'acquainted' with a Braulish foreigner named Drado, who offers sexual deeds to the woman. After more castigation at the tongues of local halfings, Pockny storms off to speak to Grandmother, though he has been forbidden by his cousin!
The PCs chase after the cleric, in particular Tundra Wolf. They convince him that they need to seek information elsewhere, and that he might be harmed by his extended family if he tries to speak with Grandmother. Convinced, Pockny gives them an hour to inquire about village before he demands they leave. They encounter a dwarf frog vendor named Rutteneker Roy, who Mudghol is quick to offend. They meet up with Captain Reckon, the alcoholic constable of Hobfast. He takes a liking to Mordecai, and trades his flask to the elf for some vintage cigars. Reckon tells them to ask around, but he's got a 50gp price on Cheeky's head if they can bring him in alive. The PCs visit the Shrine of Crake, and meet one Frynne Hosspotch, who tells them where Cheeky, a fellow Crake worshiper, hides out in the Tooth Marsh...for a donation.
The PCs journey for several hours until several of them discover the low, hilly region of the Marsh where Cheeky's hideout is supposed to lie. The entrance, a hedge of thick thorns, is marked by two orange-stained cloths. While figuring a strategy, Pockny simply cuts a small door through the hedge with his sword, and the party enters. They are surprised by a trio of goblins who they quickly dispatch with sleep spells and a knockout attack, but it's too late...the main body of Cheeky's gang, hiding deeper in the caves, is alerted to their presence. A large scale battle erupts against a hobgoblin, a pair of guard dogs, an ogre, and four more goblins. The PCs are unable to rout the enemy, and in the ensuing melee, Pockny and Navan are slain, while Mordecai and Tundra Wolf are knocked unconscious. The ogre, a dog and two goblins are also slain, and the hobgoblin, 'Ironballs' is sent fleeing by magic through the caves, but Mudghol is left standing to fight a TERRIBLE MELEE against a goblin and guard dog! He survives victorious after many exchanged, failed blows, thanks to his Toughness feats (in your face, Scott) and manages to drag Mordecai out of the caves and stash him in a copse of trees.
Ironballs and the two surviving goblins launch a pursuit after Mudghol after stripping their fallen comrades of their loot, and the unconscious Tundra Wolf of his weapons. Ironballs plans to interrogate Tundra Wolf after he tracks the half-orc through the Marsh. Mudghol gives them the slip, as the goblins are inadequate trackers, and manages to circle back and drag Tundra Wolf out from the cavern. He leaves the dwarf's unconscious body with Mordecai, and sneaks back to Hobfast to inform Captain Reckon he knows where Cheeky can be found! Reckon and four of his Eidolorn Guard accompany Mudghol back, and the guards are given the task of returning Tundra Wolf and Mordecai to the barracks where they can rest. Reckon and Mudghol re-enter Cheeky's Hollow, to search out the place. They discover that 'Cheeky', who they had not seen, and the surviving goblins have since stripped the place of wealth and fled after being compromised.
However, they could not carry everything with them. After triggering a rubble trap and stepping right through it, Reckon discovers a cache of counterfeit copper, painted with gold, and some cheap, fake furs! The discovery of two false wall, camouflaged curtains reveals an empty treasury which may have held something of actual value before Cheeky and his surviving gang members fled. In another corridor, Mudghol discovers a planning and counterfeiting chamber, with buckets of golden paint, maps of local territories, and a basket of scrolls. One of the scrolls contains a role of names, each notated with an initial, which Mudghol suspects may be linked to The Score, since one of those names belongs to: Klasp. The only item of value left behind was a jeweled ivory rolling pin which the ogre stashed in the main cavern.
Mudghol and Reckon return to Hobfast, to tend the fallen men and make further plans.
PCs: Mordecai, Mudghol, Navan, Pockny
Belgin Hosspotch (halfling male): A 'cousin' of Pockny Hosspotch, Belgin considers himself rather a 'prince' among his kind. He wears fancy breeches, jerkin, cloak and boots, slicks his hair back and carries an ivory and silver walking staff. Belgin is rather rude to his 'cousin' but helps to steer the PCs away from Swampers' Swap, and out of his hair.
Bispin (human male): A young, fiery haired courier boy of Flovin Keep, sometimes used by Lt. Banghorn to deliver messages. Pockny tips the boy well, but will never see him again.
Captain Reckon (dwarf male): Burly dwarf constable and leader of the Eidolorn Guard at Hobfast. He's burly, with a military cut gray hairstyle and thickly cropped, square jawline beard. He's red-faced and quick to anger, and wields a dwarven two-handed axe and several short blades at his belt. He's also a reputed alcoholic with a taste for the finer things in life, which Mordecai shares with him. Reckon does not take well to Mudghol, and hints that he may have a racial problem with orcs and their half-spawn in general. Nonetheless, when beseeched for aid, he comes to the assistance of Mudghol.
Chef Bowler (ogre male): An ogre with cooking skills that catered to the counterfeiter and criminal Cheeky and his gang. Bowler was pretty mean with his bludgeoning, rolling pin, and was partially responsible for the killing of Pockny Hosspotch and Navan Blacksister at the Battle of Cheeky's Hollow. However, he himself was felled in the melee.
Derelech (human male): He's an informant that operates out of the Twin Lizard Tap outside the East gate of Floivin Keep. Cloaked, dirty, dark-haired, and wearing an eyepatch over his right eye. His left eye is red and green, as if he bears some affliction. He speaks in a snakelike voice and brooks no trouble from bullying half-orc wizards.
Drado (human male): Encountered at the Crimson Harpy. A large human with the accent of Braul, he carries a massive greatsword wrapped in fine furs that sparkle in torchlight. He also wears a half-corrded Chain Mail shirt with the crest of a blood-red falcon upon it. Drado doesn't appreciate anyone in his business, and rebukes Navan's questions, though she is kind to offer him another round of his drinks. He offers her sex in return, but answers no other questions.
Frynne Hosspotch (halfling female): A stunningly attractive but child-like cleric of Crake, she tends the shrine in Hobfast. Despite her youthful face, she has streaks of white in her curled brown hair and bears a simple peasants' cloak. She knows a lot about the people who visit the shrine, including the location of Cheeky in Tooth Marsh. Pockny found it strange that he had never heard of or seen this woman before, despite their shared family.
Garlo (half-orc male): He's the barkeep at The Crimson Harpy in Hobfast, and a loyal servant of the Hosspotch family. He wears his hair in a mohawk and bears an eyepatch. As a former slave at Sothos Karr, his left eye was branded by a slaver's hot poker. Garlo takes to Mudghol readily, but is not fond of Pockny, who is a pariah to his employers.
Ironballs (hobgoblin male): Nicknamed for his preference in fighting with a flail, Ironballs is the chief of the mercenaries under the criminal Cheeky's employ. A cause fear spell sent Ironballs fleeing through the caverns during the Battle of Cheeky's Hollow, and thus he was not slain when Mudghol escaped with his friends' bodies. Ironballs is still at large with several of his goblin soldiers.
Rutteneker Roy (dwarf male): A sad old dwarf who sells frogs on the streets of Hobfast, his beard is so filthy and long it hangs to the ground and tracks mud. He sells a variety of frogs and toads, including the Common lakeside specimen found about Udders Well, and the Pearl-Toothed Leopard Toad, native to the Tooth Marsh. Mudghol discovers through his misuse of an unseen servant spell to drop a toad on the old dwarf's head just how quick Roy may be to anger, when the old dwarf converts his bucket prop to a quarterstaff and chases the wizard off.
Smecksley (human male): A gaunt, nervous human guard, probably no older than a teenager, who is assigned to follow the PCs about Hobfast to keep them out of trouble, by Captain Reckon. Smecksley quickly disappears into the background and does not accompany the PCs out of Hobfast when they head for Cheeky's Hollow.
Vaygus Slimm (human male): An arrogant but attractive young man in his 20s, with wispy blonde hair. He carries a very expensive fishing pole with a Golden Lure attached, and claims to be the Champion of the Angler's Guild at Hobfast. He claims to know the best fishing spots in all of Floivin Province, and from him the PCs learn of the mythical giant hornpout Old Blindeye that purportedly lives in the depths of Udders Well, though Slimm has not seen or caught it.
And here is the map of Cheeky's hideout in the Tooth Marsh.

Mordecai Slipsnare is being held at Floivin Penitentiary for a misdemeanor, after being fired as a line cook from the Seven Flood Inn for jokingly food poisoning some of the patrons, one of which was the wife of Lt. Emmeridge of the Eidolorn Guard. Though more of a prank than a serious crime, his act was nonetheless looked down up, and he is being held alongside a savage but handsome gnome who was busted for defecating in a public fountain. The Guard decide to turn Mordecai over to the Church of Eleste for community service, and Pockny Hosspotch is dispatched to oversee him. Mordecai is thus sprung from his cell, and meets the rest of the PCs. Apparently Lt. Banghorn recommended Hosspotch as he though they might require some assistance. Imperion of the Chaste Cloak is not among the PCs, as he has returned to scout out Halehusk for signs of Shalabarr Klasp.
A courier named Bispin sends word that the PCs are wanted in the Westermarch Concourse, where they are surprised by a very well disguised Lt. Banghorn, dressed as a flower girl...err, flower hag. Pockny claims not to be fooled, but he failed his check just like the rest. Banghorn informs the PCs that he's heard word of an informant at the Twin Lizard Tap, one Dereleck who may have a lead on the activities of The Score. Mordecai proceeds to sup on one of Banghorn's cabbage breasts, and the PCs head to the East of the Keep to the Tap. There they meet the curious Dereleck, who speaks of a criminal named Cheeky, who lives in or near the village of Hobfast, and may have some dealings with The Score. The party departs swiftly with Tundra Wolf in tow.
After a few hours of travel, the PCs arrive in Hobfast. At Swampers' Swap, the local indoor market, Pockny, though disguised in common clothes, is quickly picked out by a 'cousin' Belgin Hosspotch, who insults Pockny and warns him against going to visit Grandmother, who he claims will not except the pariah priest of Eleste in her presence. The PCs manage to squeeze out some information that a lead might be handy at the local inn, The Crimson Harpy. The PCs meet Vaygus Slimm, a local fisherman of repute. Within the Crimson Harpy, Mudghol meets the barkeep Garlo, a fellow half-orc in the employ of the Hosspotch. Navan becomes 'acquainted' with a Braulish foreigner named Drado, who offers sexual deeds to the woman. After more castigation at the tongues of local halfings, Pockny storms off to speak to Grandmother, though he has been forbidden by his cousin!
The PCs chase after the cleric, in particular Tundra Wolf. They convince him that they need to seek information elsewhere, and that he might be harmed by his extended family if he tries to speak with Grandmother. Convinced, Pockny gives them an hour to inquire about village before he demands they leave. They encounter a dwarf frog vendor named Rutteneker Roy, who Mudghol is quick to offend. They meet up with Captain Reckon, the alcoholic constable of Hobfast. He takes a liking to Mordecai, and trades his flask to the elf for some vintage cigars. Reckon tells them to ask around, but he's got a 50gp price on Cheeky's head if they can bring him in alive. The PCs visit the Shrine of Crake, and meet one Frynne Hosspotch, who tells them where Cheeky, a fellow Crake worshiper, hides out in the Tooth Marsh...for a donation.
The PCs journey for several hours until several of them discover the low, hilly region of the Marsh where Cheeky's hideout is supposed to lie. The entrance, a hedge of thick thorns, is marked by two orange-stained cloths. While figuring a strategy, Pockny simply cuts a small door through the hedge with his sword, and the party enters. They are surprised by a trio of goblins who they quickly dispatch with sleep spells and a knockout attack, but it's too late...the main body of Cheeky's gang, hiding deeper in the caves, is alerted to their presence. A large scale battle erupts against a hobgoblin, a pair of guard dogs, an ogre, and four more goblins. The PCs are unable to rout the enemy, and in the ensuing melee, Pockny and Navan are slain, while Mordecai and Tundra Wolf are knocked unconscious. The ogre, a dog and two goblins are also slain, and the hobgoblin, 'Ironballs' is sent fleeing by magic through the caves, but Mudghol is left standing to fight a TERRIBLE MELEE against a goblin and guard dog! He survives victorious after many exchanged, failed blows, thanks to his Toughness feats (in your face, Scott) and manages to drag Mordecai out of the caves and stash him in a copse of trees.
Ironballs and the two surviving goblins launch a pursuit after Mudghol after stripping their fallen comrades of their loot, and the unconscious Tundra Wolf of his weapons. Ironballs plans to interrogate Tundra Wolf after he tracks the half-orc through the Marsh. Mudghol gives them the slip, as the goblins are inadequate trackers, and manages to circle back and drag Tundra Wolf out from the cavern. He leaves the dwarf's unconscious body with Mordecai, and sneaks back to Hobfast to inform Captain Reckon he knows where Cheeky can be found! Reckon and four of his Eidolorn Guard accompany Mudghol back, and the guards are given the task of returning Tundra Wolf and Mordecai to the barracks where they can rest. Reckon and Mudghol re-enter Cheeky's Hollow, to search out the place. They discover that 'Cheeky', who they had not seen, and the surviving goblins have since stripped the place of wealth and fled after being compromised.
However, they could not carry everything with them. After triggering a rubble trap and stepping right through it, Reckon discovers a cache of counterfeit copper, painted with gold, and some cheap, fake furs! The discovery of two false wall, camouflaged curtains reveals an empty treasury which may have held something of actual value before Cheeky and his surviving gang members fled. In another corridor, Mudghol discovers a planning and counterfeiting chamber, with buckets of golden paint, maps of local territories, and a basket of scrolls. One of the scrolls contains a role of names, each notated with an initial, which Mudghol suspects may be linked to The Score, since one of those names belongs to: Klasp. The only item of value left behind was a jeweled ivory rolling pin which the ogre stashed in the main cavern.
Mudghol and Reckon return to Hobfast, to tend the fallen men and make further plans.
PCs: Mordecai, Mudghol, Navan, Pockny
Belgin Hosspotch (halfling male): A 'cousin' of Pockny Hosspotch, Belgin considers himself rather a 'prince' among his kind. He wears fancy breeches, jerkin, cloak and boots, slicks his hair back and carries an ivory and silver walking staff. Belgin is rather rude to his 'cousin' but helps to steer the PCs away from Swampers' Swap, and out of his hair.
Bispin (human male): A young, fiery haired courier boy of Flovin Keep, sometimes used by Lt. Banghorn to deliver messages. Pockny tips the boy well, but will never see him again.
Captain Reckon (dwarf male): Burly dwarf constable and leader of the Eidolorn Guard at Hobfast. He's burly, with a military cut gray hairstyle and thickly cropped, square jawline beard. He's red-faced and quick to anger, and wields a dwarven two-handed axe and several short blades at his belt. He's also a reputed alcoholic with a taste for the finer things in life, which Mordecai shares with him. Reckon does not take well to Mudghol, and hints that he may have a racial problem with orcs and their half-spawn in general. Nonetheless, when beseeched for aid, he comes to the assistance of Mudghol.
Chef Bowler (ogre male): An ogre with cooking skills that catered to the counterfeiter and criminal Cheeky and his gang. Bowler was pretty mean with his bludgeoning, rolling pin, and was partially responsible for the killing of Pockny Hosspotch and Navan Blacksister at the Battle of Cheeky's Hollow. However, he himself was felled in the melee.
Derelech (human male): He's an informant that operates out of the Twin Lizard Tap outside the East gate of Floivin Keep. Cloaked, dirty, dark-haired, and wearing an eyepatch over his right eye. His left eye is red and green, as if he bears some affliction. He speaks in a snakelike voice and brooks no trouble from bullying half-orc wizards.
Drado (human male): Encountered at the Crimson Harpy. A large human with the accent of Braul, he carries a massive greatsword wrapped in fine furs that sparkle in torchlight. He also wears a half-corrded Chain Mail shirt with the crest of a blood-red falcon upon it. Drado doesn't appreciate anyone in his business, and rebukes Navan's questions, though she is kind to offer him another round of his drinks. He offers her sex in return, but answers no other questions.
Frynne Hosspotch (halfling female): A stunningly attractive but child-like cleric of Crake, she tends the shrine in Hobfast. Despite her youthful face, she has streaks of white in her curled brown hair and bears a simple peasants' cloak. She knows a lot about the people who visit the shrine, including the location of Cheeky in Tooth Marsh. Pockny found it strange that he had never heard of or seen this woman before, despite their shared family.
Garlo (half-orc male): He's the barkeep at The Crimson Harpy in Hobfast, and a loyal servant of the Hosspotch family. He wears his hair in a mohawk and bears an eyepatch. As a former slave at Sothos Karr, his left eye was branded by a slaver's hot poker. Garlo takes to Mudghol readily, but is not fond of Pockny, who is a pariah to his employers.
Ironballs (hobgoblin male): Nicknamed for his preference in fighting with a flail, Ironballs is the chief of the mercenaries under the criminal Cheeky's employ. A cause fear spell sent Ironballs fleeing through the caverns during the Battle of Cheeky's Hollow, and thus he was not slain when Mudghol escaped with his friends' bodies. Ironballs is still at large with several of his goblin soldiers.
Rutteneker Roy (dwarf male): A sad old dwarf who sells frogs on the streets of Hobfast, his beard is so filthy and long it hangs to the ground and tracks mud. He sells a variety of frogs and toads, including the Common lakeside specimen found about Udders Well, and the Pearl-Toothed Leopard Toad, native to the Tooth Marsh. Mudghol discovers through his misuse of an unseen servant spell to drop a toad on the old dwarf's head just how quick Roy may be to anger, when the old dwarf converts his bucket prop to a quarterstaff and chases the wizard off.
Smecksley (human male): A gaunt, nervous human guard, probably no older than a teenager, who is assigned to follow the PCs about Hobfast to keep them out of trouble, by Captain Reckon. Smecksley quickly disappears into the background and does not accompany the PCs out of Hobfast when they head for Cheeky's Hollow.
Vaygus Slimm (human male): An arrogant but attractive young man in his 20s, with wispy blonde hair. He carries a very expensive fishing pole with a Golden Lure attached, and claims to be the Champion of the Angler's Guild at Hobfast. He claims to know the best fishing spots in all of Floivin Province, and from him the PCs learn of the mythical giant hornpout Old Blindeye that purportedly lives in the depths of Udders Well, though Slimm has not seen or caught it.
And here is the map of Cheeky's hideout in the Tooth Marsh.

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