Berronar Truesilver
The Revered Mother, Mother of Safety
AL: Lawful Good
Domains: Dwarf, Family, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Heavy mace
Followers: Children, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, homemakers, husbands, parents, scribes, wives.
Holy Symbol: Two silver rings.
Worship of Berronar was abandoned centuries past, as dwarven influence in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though she is still spoken of in stories, and her husband Moradin holds some favor still among the most loyal of dwarves who have not devoted themselves to Eleste, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left to her. That said, a recent expedition to the Sunken Forge in Floivin Province has turned up a religious text devoted to the goddess, and thus it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to her service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed. Those curious can inquire with the historian Monch Gnarlbottom for more information.
Clangeddin Silverbeard
Father of Battle, Lord of the Twin Axes, the Rock of Battle
AL: Lawful Good
Domains: Dwarf, Good, Law, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Battleaxe
Followers: Barbarians, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, monks, paladins, strategists, soldiers, tacticians, warriors.
Holy Symbol: Crossed battleaxes.
Worship of Clangeddin was abandoned centuries past, as dwarven influence
in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though he is
still spoken of in stories, and his patriarch Moradin holds some favor
still among the most loyal of dwarves who have not devoted themselves to
Eleste, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left
to him. That said, a recent expedition to the Sunken Forge in Floivin
Province has turned up a religious text devoted to the god, and thus
it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to his
service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed.
Those curious can inquire with the historian Monch Gnarlbottom for more
Corellon Larethian
Creator of the Elves, First of the Seldarine, Coronal of Arvandor
AL: Chaotic Good
Domains: Chaos, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, War
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Followers: Arcane archers, artisans, artists, bards, fighters, good leaders, rangers, poets, sorcerers, warriors, wizards.
Holy Symbol: Crescent moon.
Worship of Corellon was abandoned centuries past, as elven influence
in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though he is
still spoken of in the stories of local elven and half-elven bards and sages, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left
to him. That said, a recent expedition to the Frail Forest has turned up a religious text devoted to the god, and thus
it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to his
service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed.
Those curious can inquire at the village of Littlewolf in Floivin Province, where this sacred text was last delivered.
The Raven Lord, Warden of Roads
AL: Neutral Good
Domains: Animals, Good, Luck, Plant, Travel
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Followers: clerics, druids, halflings, elves
Holy Symbol: raven with a sprig of mistletoe in its beak.
Crake is a popular deity among the halfing and elf folk of the Vernal Valley, as he represents good fortune for travelers. He is also venerated by druidic circles for his, natural qualities, and holds domain over the plants and animals of the field and forest. Clerics of Crake tend to favor earthy, unassuming robes or the garb of farmers and woodsmen. They are not often easy to spot out in a crowd, save for their love of ornate quarterstaffs which they dress in feathers and other baubles of their travels. Clerics and druids who follow Crake are also known to craft wreaths of berries, pine cones and dark feathers which they hang from the necks of patrons as a blessing. They are often referred to as the 'Ravenblessed'.
Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain, the Silent Keeper
AL: Neutral
Domains: Cavern, Craft, Dwarf, Earth, Knowledge, Metal, Protection
Favored Weapon: Maul (or mattock)
Followers: Dwarves, gemsmiths, metalsmiths, miners.
Holy Symbol: Faceted gem inside a mountain.
Worship of Dumathoin was abandoned centuries past, as dwarven influence
in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though he is
still spoken of in stories, and his patriarch Moradin holds some favor
still among the most loyal of dwarves who have not devoted themselves to
Eleste, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left
to him. That said, a recent expedition to the Sunken Forge in Floivin
Province has turned up a religious text devoted to the god, and thus
it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to his
service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed.
Those curious can inquire with the historian Monch Gnarlbottom for more
Warrior-Saint, Greatmother of the Eidolorn Empire
AL: Lawful Good
Domains: Combat, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Followers: clerics, paladins, humans
Holy Symbol: Long sword over stone tower.
Eleste Eidolorn was once a mortal woman who founded the Eidolorn Empire for her love, Bendry Coventavon. Her deeds are essentially what crafted the great civilization of the age, and a massive clergy has spread up with cathedrals and churches in most communities of the Empire. She is not considered a goddess, per say, yet the clerics and paladins of Eleste use her veneration to channel a higher power, through healing magics and blessings of conquest. Many clerics and paladins of Eleste also serve as judges for the the tribunal of criminals, or public advisers to political officials. Most funerals, weddings and other religious ceremonies within the Empire are conducted by the clerics of Celeste ('Favored Blades'), and paladins are often found at the front lines of the Last Eidolorn legion, whenever the cause is just. Her clergy favor white robes with silver linings, making them easy to find and readily available for healing and other services. Donations to the Church of Eleste are expected as just recompense for the saint's blessing light.
One-Eye, He-Who-Never-Sleeps
AL: Chaotic Evil
Domains: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War
Favored Weapon: Spear
Followers: clerics, fighters, assassins, orcs
Holy Symbol: Necrotic red eye.
Gruumsh calls on his followers to be strong, to cull the weak from their numbers, and to take all
the territory that Gruumsh thinks is rightfully theirs (which is almost everything). He harbors a special hatred for Moradin and his followers. Gruumsh is highly revered by the Slavemaster of Sothos Karr, who has a clergy established in his honor. Most half-orcs of the Eidolorn Empire and surrounding lands might externally appear to have abandoned this faith, but many still hold a quiet fear and reverence. Zealots who follow Gruumsh are known to often pluck out their left eye in tribute. Nonclerics are not permitted to refer to the god by name, only by title.
The Soul Forger, Dwarffather, The All-Father, The Creator
AL: Lawful Good
Domains: Earth, Good, Law, Protection
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Followers: dwarves, smiths, metalworkers, engineers
Holy Symbol: hammer superimposed over an anvil shape.
For the remnant descendants of the Gnarlbottom clan, and other dwarven enclaves located throughout the Eidolorn Empire, adaptation to the humans' worship of Eleste has never really been an option. Most prefer to remain faithful to the traditional God of their people, paying lip service to the Soul Forger more so than performing acts of worship (with the exception of the clergy). There are still a number of clerics and paladins who specifically do the bidding of this God, but they are few and far between, many taken to lives on the road or hiding their practice as humble metalworkers and engineers in larger urban communities. An order known as the Coldhammer Enclave is known to exist somewhere in Wintersbreath, known do-gooders who battle the forces of the waste and the agents of Vhorinyr to the North. Clerics who venerate Moradin are known as sonnlinnor ('those who work the stone'), as in other D&D settings.
Radhol Thidhe
The Path of Prosperity, the Fortune Fires
AL: Chaotic Good
Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Luck, Sun
Favored Weapon: Crossbow
Followers: Melethesz, thinkers, dreamers, inventors
Holy Symbol: a golden wasp.
Radhol Thidhe is a philosophy whose origins date centuries before the founding of the Eidolorn Empire, and even farther before the conquest of Melethesz. It's located primarily in its home province, but clerics and followers have spread far and wide through the Empire, occasionally teaching to small bands of converts. Followers of Radhol Thidhe believe in the power to Inspire, and that all living, thinking beings follow the Sparking Wheel. They believe that one's own innovations and self-betterment lead to ultimate fulfillment for their place on the Wheel, and also to improve the station of others. It's a karmic belief system which places emphasis on the self rather than a deity, thus it has brought the people of Melethesz into ideological conflict with the followers of Eleste. Teachers (clerics) of Radhol Thidhe are known simply as Sparks.
Lady of Life and Mercy, the Shining Dancer
AL: Chaotic Good
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Dwarf, Good, Healing, Moon
Favored Weapon: Whip
Followers: Bards, dancers, dwarves, healers, lovers
Holy Symbol: Flame ring rising from a steel needle.
Worship of Sharindlar was abandoned centuries past, as dwarven influence
in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though she is
still spoken of in stories, and her patriarch Moradin holds some favor
still among the most loyal of dwarves who have not devoted themselves to
Eleste, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left
to her. That said, a recent expedition to the Sunken Forge in Floivin
Province has turned up a religious text devoted to the god, and thus
it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to her
service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed.
Those curious can inquire with the bugbear monk Gruulsh, who has recently come unto the holy text.
Merchant King, the Short Father, the Laughing Dwarf
AL: Neutral
Domains: Dwarf, Luck, Trade, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Followers: Dwarves, merchants, rogues, wealthy individuals.
Holy Symbol: Gold piece.
Worship of Vergadain was abandoned centuries past, as dwarven influence
in the lands of the Eidolorn Empire had begun to wane. Though he is
still spoken of in stories, and his patriarch Moradin holds some favor
still among the most loyal of dwarves who have not devoted themselves to
Eleste, there is no officially sanctioned or organized following left
to him. That said, a recent expedition to the Sunken Forge in Floivin
Province has turned up a religious text devoted to the god, and thus
it would now be possible for there to exist a cleric devoted to his
service, though it will take some time before a 'church' is developed.
Those curious can inquire with the historian Monch Gnarlbottom for more
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