Friday, March 30, 2012

Session 31 (3/30/12)

Aric, Malarous 21st, 838 ID

After the quick acquisition of the dragon Cindran's treasure horde into Baro's magical haversack, the PCs look out onto the Skull Collar hideaway's courtyard below, to see a 60' drop down and a number of ogres, bugbears and worgs mulling about below. Most of the creatures seem adorned in more skull trophies than those the PCs have fought in the past, so it's assumed they are elite and nothing to scoff at. The dragon's warning has not gone unnoticed, and the humanoids glance about in confusion, one of them eventually running into a nearby structure when the PCs decide to fire down from the ayrie ledge and scatter them, to make their descent by rope. Arrows and magical spells, including a giant sleet storm from Mudgol are used to spook the creatures.

Unfortunately, the climb doesn't go well. Four of the PCs (Slab, Mudgol, Luz and Darkahn) manage to critically fail their climbs, and fall off during their descent, all taking injuries when they strike the courtyard. Baro and Langston remain topside, to cover the rest of their group. Seeing their plight, a group of enemy creatures rushes the PCs in the courtyard to take advantage, while Old Codge Myron continues to climb down. Before long, the battle is joined by The Score themselves: Butter, Fancy Nan, Maythee Marrot (who animates several skeletons to his side), Flaming Fack and eventually the Red Wizard Merevhos Melek-Tha and the warrior Bread (aka Doughboy the Dreaded from the Tarair fighting tournament) all engage the already weakened PCs.

Langston takes a spell hit early in the battle that nearly cripples him, while he and the already wounded Baro continue to fire from cover. Slab uses himself as a living shield against the first wave of attackers, while Darkahn opens fire and Mudgol uses a series of sleet storms and black tentacles to confuse, block and detain the overwhelming enemy numbers. Myron and Luz use what spells they can to heal up the injured, but the incoming damage is far too great. Slab, Baro, Luz and Mudgol are all knocked out, but some are able to stabilize or recover. Sadly, Darkhan the ranger is taken down, healed up, and then unceremoniously bashed over the head by Bread, unable to recover again...and he passes from this world. But the PCs manage to barely come out on top thanks to a few valorous strikes and the solid assistance of Myron, who manages to take down Bread with a few mighty slashes of his Scythe.

Just when the battle is ending, and the Red Wizard predictably teleports out of the fray to save his own skin, the criminal Cheeky emerges from the shadows and nearly deals out a lethal surprise attack against Mudgol. He is quickly taken down by the other survivors. The rest of the Skull Collar ogres, goblins, and bugbears decide to bargain with the PCs since their employers are slain and their mercenary nature compels them not to risk their own lives against these savages of the Last Eidolorn. It is agreed that the PCs can loot the Score bodies, but must leave the hideaway and never again interfere with them as they rebuild and choose a new chieftain. While some have a problem with this (especially Myron who doesn't want to suffer these evil creatures to persist as potential dangers to the people of Floivin), it is decided that to continue fighting would result in the end of the group. They loot what bodies they can and make their exit from the Skull Collar stronghold.

Darkahn, Langston, Luz, Mudgol, Slab

Bread, Butter, Cheeky, Darkahn Gradak, Fancy Nan, Flaming Fack


Maythee Marrot (halfling male):
A member of the Score that was previously only hinted at in the PCs' investigations. He wore black leathers over a chain shirt, and possessed an enchanting skill with music and healing. He also had an uncanny ability to animate skeletons with his bone pipes. Marrot was slain at the Skull Collar hideaway along with his compatriots Bread, Butter, Fancy Nan, and Flaming Fack.

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