Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dronn's Arsenal - Storefront

A full list of products, services and prices for Dronn's Arsenal, Floivin Keep. Pay your respects to the Bellowbroth banner over the door. Masterwork and normal quality weapons and armor, made to order (150% original list price), and a ready stock ripe for the picking. Masterwork/magical weapons and armor purchased for 50% original list price. PCs involved with the Last Eidolorn Guard receive a 5% discount.

Simple, Martial & Exotic Weapons
[10x] M gauntlet (3gp)
[10x] M dagger (3gp) or [5x] S dagger (5gp)
[5x] M punching dagger (3gp)
[5x] M spiked gauntlet (7gp)
[10x] M light mace (7gp) or [3x] S light mace (8gp)
[10x] M heavy mace (14gp) or [3x] S heavy mace (16gp)
[10x] M morningstar (10gp) or [3x] S morningstar (12gp)
[10x] M shortspear (2gp) or [3x] S shortspear (3gp)
[10x] M spear (3gp) or [3x] S spear (4gp)
[10x] M longspear (7gp) or [3x] S longspear (9gp)
[5x] M throwing axe (10gp)
[5x] M light hammer (2gp)
[5x] M handaxe (8gp) or [2x] S handaxe (9gp)
[5x] M light pick (6gp)
[10x] M short sword (12gp) or [5x] S short sword (14gp)
[5x] M battleaxe (13gp) or [2x] S battleaxe (15gp)
[5x] M flail (10gp)
[10x] M longsword (17gp) or [3x] M longsword (18gp)
[3x] M heavy pick (10gp)
[5x] M rapider (24gp)
[3x] M scimitar (18gp)
[2x] M trident (18gp)
[5x] M warhammer (14gp) or [2x] M warhammer (15gp)
[2x] M falchion (90gp)
[2x] M glaive (10gp)
[2x] M greataxe (25gp) or S greataxe (28gp)
[2x] M heavy flail (18gp)
[3x] M greatsword (65gp) or S greatsword (75gp)
M Guisarme (11gp)
[2x] M halberd (15gp)
[2x] M lance (15gp)
M ranseur (12gp)
M scythe (22gp) or S scythe (24gp)
[3x] M bastard sword (45gp) or S bastard sword (50gp)
[5x] M dwarven waraxe (40gp)
[5x] M dwarven urgrosh (60gp) 
[5x] M pistols (250gp each)
Simple, Martial & Exotic Masterwork & Special Weapons
[5x] M dagger (350gp) or [2x] S dagger (365gp)
[2x] M greataxe (360gp)
[11x] M greatsword (375gp)
[3x] M longsword (340gp)
M light mace (350gp)
M heavy mace (360gp)
M rapier (360gp) or S rapier (375gp)
M scimitar (360gp)
M shortspear (350gp)
M bastard sword (390gp)
[4x] M short sword (350gp) or S short sword (360gp)
[2x] M dwarven waraxe (375gp)
M battleaxe (350gp)
M punching dagger (340gp)
M halberd (350gp)
M handaxe (330gp) or S handaxe (335gp)
M light pick (330gp)
M trident (350gp)
[2x] M warhammer (350gp) or S warhammer (360gp)
M silver dagger (400gp)
M cold iron longsword (375gp) 
[12x] M composite +2 Str longbow (600gp)
M adamantine dagger (3,300gp)
M adamantine batleaxe (3,400gp)

[5x] M chain shirt (125gp) or [2x] S chain shirt (135gp)
[5x] M scale mail (65gp)
[5x] M chainmail (175gp) or [2x] S chainmail (180gp)
[5x] M breastplate (240gp) or S breastplate (250gp)
[5x] M splint mail (240gp)
[3x] M banded mail (280gp) or S banded mail (290gp)
[2x] M half-plate (700gp) or S half-plate (720gp)
[2x] M full plate (1,800gp) or S full plate (2,000gp)
[10x] M buckler (20gp) or [5x] S buckler (25gp)
[10x] M light steel shield (12gp) or [3x] S light steel shield (15gp)
[10x] M heavy steel shield (25gp) or [2x] S heavy steel shield (28gp)
[5x] M tower shield (40gp)
[5x] M locked gauntlet (12gp) or S locked gauntlet (15gp)
Armor spikes can be affixed for (+65gp)
Shield spikes can be affixed for (+15gp)

Masterwork & Special Armor
[2x] M chain shirt (275gp) or S chain shirt (300gp)
[3x] M chainmail (360gp) or S chainmail (375gp)
[2x] M breastplate (400gp) or S breastplate (420gp)
M banded mail (450gp)
M half-plate (900gp)
M full plate (1750gp)
[3x] M buckler (190gp) or S buckler (210gp)
[2x] M light steel shield (175gp) or S light steel shield (180gp)
[2x] M heavy steel shield (190gp)
[2x] M mithril shirt (1,500gp)
[2x] M adamantine breastplate (12,500gp)
[2x] M dwarven plate (17,500gp)

Magical Weapons & Armor
[8x] M chain shirt +1 (1,600gp)
M dagger +1 (2,500gp) or S dagger +1 (2,600gp)
M silver two-handed sword +1 (2,600gp)
M greatsword +1 (2,600gp)
M rapier +1 (2,500gp) or S rapier +1 (2,750gp)
M elven chain mail (4,200gp)
M leather armor +2 (4,500gp)
S Shatterspike (4,800gp)
M light hammer +2 (8,500gp)
M two-bladed sword +2 (9,500gp) 
M luck blade (0 wishes, 27,000gp) 

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