Friday, November 5, 2010

The Stride

This post will be used to maintain information on the current status and whereabouts of members of The Stride, the thieves' guild stationed in Belowtown, beneath Floivin Keep.

Anemone Hosspotch (halfling female)
Status: Slain in the War for Floivin Province.
Specialty: Spy, information broker.

(human male)
Status: Known to have been killed in Badash prison.
Specialty: Guild master.

Badle (human male)Status: Slain at Royal Leathers by unknown assailant.
Specialty: Royal Leathers clerk.

(dwarf male)

Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.
Specialty: Appraiser, locksmith.

Gardi (half-orc male)Status: Slain in Badash prison.
Specialty: Interrogator, Belowtown guard.

(elf male)

Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.
Specialty: Burglar.

Hoff (human male)
Status: Slain by Imperion and Mordecai in Belowtown, during a 'disagreement'. Blood debt paid when the rest of The Stride slew Imperion.

Specialty: Belowtown guard.

Ivellio Roodeye
(elf male)
Status: Alive and at large, he was not in Belowtown during the Stride Massacre.
Specialty: Pickpocket.

(human female)
Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.

Specialty: Burglar.

(human male)
Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.Specialty: Belowtown guard.

Lt. Banghorn
(human male)
Status: Captain of the Last Eidolorn, stationed at Ettenhead.
Specialty: Spy, information broker, officer in the Eidolorn Guard. He's more of an 'honorary' member, trained by Aslak for covert operations in Floivin Province.

(half-orc male)
Status: Slain in Tarndim after a heroic stint with the Last Eidolorn.
Specialty: Belowtown guard, healer.

Nikolai (human male)
Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.
Specialty: Stride Market fence.

Rannveig (human female)
Status: Slain during the Stride Massacre in Belowtown, by members of The Score.
Specialty: Stride Market fence.

(dwarf male)

Status: Slain in Tretcher after a heroic sting with the Last Eidolorn.
Specialty: Trapsmith.

Trifful (human male)
Status: Royal Leathers proprietor, currently hiding out in Hobfast.
Specialty: Armorer, shopkeeper.

Vay (human male)Status: Slain at Royal Leathers by unknown assailant.
Specialty: Royal Leathers clerk.

(human male)
Status: Incarcerated at Floivin Penitentiary, apparently by choice.
Specialty: Unknown, but Zinsk is the retired old guild master of The Stride, a druid in addition to a rogue of some skill.

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